I can only assume I came across Marc Johns’ whimsical drawings on Pinterest a few months ago. It could have been through another source, but I most definitely think it was Pinterest. I liked one drawing so much I saved it to my computer desktop at work and every time I need a little motivation or laugh, I open the image.
Here it is.
Finally, I’ve saved his blog to my Favorites. I’m guaranteed a smile every time I open it.
I can’t get enough of this guy’s whimsy.
I would like a hallway in our home to have six or seven of these framed prints. I know it would give me a smile every day. And I think it would be a silly welcome (!) to any guests who visit. ”Hello! We are funny people and really appreciate a good sense of humor.”
Maybe these would be super fun for an afternoon party in the park? Who’s up for temp tats?
And this would be super fun for…every day of your life.
And one last thing.
I can’t decide which is my favorite, but they definitely are fun!