Chocolate Cake in a Cup = Mobile Work Happiness

For me, the most difficult part of mobile work days at home is keeping my hand OUT of the fridge.

It’s a HUGE challenge.

While I’m on a conference call, I may make myself a chocolate milk or whip up some brownies.  Seriously.

Thankfully, I only work at home at most once a week or I’d be 700 pounds.

Today, I decided to try a little treat I picked up at Cost Plus World Market last week during their rug sale.  World Market has all sorts of global treats – including Dr. Oetcker’s Mug Cake.  It’s from Canada, but that counts as global.

So I made it for lunch today.  I went to spin class this morning.  So that makes it okay to have chocolate mug cake for lunch.

It took two ingredients to complete this very complicated recipe–butter, for the inside of the mug and five tablespoons milk.  I used skim.  It most likely cancels out some calories.


Stir until well-blended.  That’s a  little baby rubber spatula.  They’re great for getting the last bit of mayo out of the jar and they are just adorable.  Smooch.

Microwave for one minute 15 seconds.

It boiled over but isn’t that just so pretty and delicious looking?

It didn’t exactly look like the cake on the box.  But I’m cool with that.


I thought it could have used a bit more sweet.

And.  It would have been more beautiful once I sprinkled the powdered sugar, but I had already taken two chomps, so it looks a tad uneven.

I rate it a 3.5 out of 5.

It’s a definite high five satisfy to a chocolate craving.





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